did you feed the fish?

Saturday, April 16, 2005

Finding some inspiration

There's only about two weeks left in the semester, and this summer weather must be really getting to me. I don't know what it is, but there's something about the sunshine that just really inspires me to get up and do something. That can be good and bad this year, since it's inspiring me with website design - and I'm getting plenty of ideas that I just don't have the know-how to implement as yet. *sigh*

Nevertheless, I'm keeping a notebook filled with little sketches of layout ideas that come to me during the middle of Workplace Principles. And I've started on the huge Website Design book I bought, which should really help with CSS. I really like this book - it tells me all that stuff about HTML that Ryan tells me here and there, but all at once. It tells me about a lot of the HTML tags that are outdated now and what to use instead of them, and stuff like that. It will definitely be helpful in the long run.

I've also been using the web for inspiration - bookmarking sites with great layouts and designs, looking at who actually designed them. I found one last night while browsing The Sneeze. Way down on the sidebar is a little button that says "design & skinning by Moxie design studios". So I clicked.


Check out some of these blog designs from Moxie Design Studios. These are only a few of my favorites.

Vermilion Dreams
Finding the Joy
Fremont Dads
The Little Hedgehog
Mama Write
Paper Frog
John's House of Pancakes

On several of these sites (if not all), you'll find a little drop-down menu on one side that allows you to change the skin/design of the blog. Most of these skins have also been designed by Moxie, and all are awesome! Looking at these designs just makes me that much surer that this is what I want to do. Now if I can just be patient...


  • At 2:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It's a real pick me up to see that someone said something nice about my blog. :) I highly recommend BlogMoxie.


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